
Most recent

LeFevre, NM., Sarvazyan, N. The essential role of arterial pulse in venous return. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2022, 323(6), R962-R967.

Sarvazyan N., Building Valveless Impedance Pumps From Biological Components: Progress and Challenges (Review). Frontiers in Physiology. 2022, v.12

Davtyan R., & Sarvazyan N. Output of a valveless Liebau pump with biologically relevant vessel properties and compression frequencies. Scientific reports. 2021, 11(1), 1-9.


Asfour H, Otridge J, Thomasian R, Larson C, Sarvazyan N. Autofluorescence properties of balloon polymers used in medical applications. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2020, 25(10), 106004:1-18

Filice D, Dhahri W, Solan JL, Lampe PD, Steele E, Milani N, Van Biber B, Zhu WZ, Valdman TS, Romagnolo R, Otero-Cruz JD, Hauch KD, Kay MW, Sarvazyan N, Laflamme MA. Optical mapping of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte graft electrical activity in injured hearts. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2020;11(1):417. PMC7523067,

Muselimyan N, Asfour H, Sarvazyan N. Key factors behind autofluorescence changes caused by ablation of cardiac tissue. Scientific Reports. 2020, v10, n1:15369. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72351-6. PMID: 32958843

Armstrong K, Larson C, Asfour H, Ransbury T, Sarvazyan N. A Percutaneous Catheter for In Vivo Hyperspectral Imaging of Cardiac Tissue: Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions. Cardiovasc Eng Technol. 2020 Oct;11(5):560-575. doi: 10.1007/s13239-020-00476-w. PMID: 32666326

Mirdamadi E, Muselimyan N, Koti P, Asfour H, Sarvazyan NA. Agarose Slurry as a Support Medium for Bioprinting & Culturing Freestanding Cell-Laden Hydrogel Constructs. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. 2019, v6, n3.

Koti P, Muselimyan N, Mirdamadi E, Asfour H, Sarvazyan NA. Use of GelMA for 3D printing of cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts. J of 3D Printing in Medicine. 2019,3(1):11-22. doi: 10.2217/3dp-2018-0017

Guan S, Asfour H, Sarvazyan NA, Loew M. Application of unsupervised learning to hyperspectral imaging of cardiac ablation lesions. Journal of Medical Imaging. 2018,5 (4) 046003

Asfour H, Guan S, Muselimyan N, Swift L, Loew M, Sarvazyan NA. Optimization of wavelength selection for multispectral image acquisition: a case study of atrial ablation lesions. Biomed Opt Express. 2018, 9(5):2189-2204

Swift LM, Asfour H, Muselimyan N, Larson C, Armstrong K, Sarvazyan NA. Hyperspectral imaging for label-free in vivo identification of myocardial scars and sites of radiofrequency ablation lesions. Heart Rhythm. 2018,15(4):564-575

Muselimyan N, Jishi MA, Asfour H, Swift L, Sarvazyan NA. Anatomical and Optical Properties of Atrial Tissue: Search for a Suitable Animal Model. Cardiovasc Eng Technol. 2017, 8(4):505-514

Muselimyan N, Swift LM, Asfour H, Chahbazian T, Mazhari R, Mercader MA, Sarvazyan NA. Seeing the Invisible: Revealing Atrial Ablation Lesions Using Hyperspectral Imaging Approach. PLOS ONE. 2016, 11(12):e0167760

Gil D, Swift LM, Asfour H, Muselimyan N, Mercader MA, Sarvazyan N. Autofluorescence hyperspectral imaging of radiofrequency ablation lesions in porcine cardiac tissue. Journal of Biophotonics. 2016, 1–10.DOI 10.1002/jbio.201600071

Karabekian Z, Ding H, Stybayeva G, Ivanova I, Muselimyan N, Haque A, Toma I, Posnack NG, Revzin A, Leitenberg D, Laflamme MA, Sarvazyan N. HLA Class I Depleted hESC as a Source of Hypoimmunogenic Cells for Tissue Engineering Applications. Tissue Eng Part A. 2015,21(19-20):2559-71

Karabekian Z, Idrees S, Ding H, Jamshidi A, Posnack NG, Sarvazyan N. Downregulation of beta-microglobulin to diminish T-lymphocyte lysis of non-syngeneic cell sources of engineered heart tissue constructs. Biomed Materials. 2015, 10(3):034101

Posnack NG, Brooks D, Chandra A, Jaimes R, Sarvazyan N, Kay M. Physiological response of cardiac tissue to bisphenol A: alterations in ventricular pressure and contractility. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2015,309(2):H267-75

Posnack NG, Idrees R, Ding H, Jaimes R 3rd, Stybayeva G, Karabekian Z, Laflamme MA, Sarvazyan N. Exposure to phthalates affects calcium handling and intercellular connectivity of human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. PLoS One. 2015,10(3):e0121927

2014 and earlier

Swift L, Gil DA, Jaimes R, Kay M, Mercader M, Sarvazyan N. Visualization of epicardial cryoablation lesions using endogenous tissue fluorescence. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2014, 7(5):929-37

Sarvazyan N. Thinking Outside the Heart: Use of Engineered Cardiac Tissue for the Treatment of Chronic Deep Venous Insufficiency. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Feb 4;19(4):394-401

Posnack NG, Jaimes R, Asfour H, Swift LM, Wengrowski AM, Sarvazyan N, Kay MW. Bisphenol A Exposure and Cardiac Electrical Conduction in Excised Rat Hearts. Environ Health Perspect. 2014, 120(9):1243-51

Swift LM, Asfour H, Posnack NG, Arutunyan A, Kay MW, Sarvazyan N. Properties of blebbistatin for cardiac optical mapping and other imaging applications. Pflugers Arch., 2012;464(5):503-12

Shiba Y, Fernandes S, Zhu WZ, Filice D, Muskheli V, Kim J, Palpant NJ, Gantz J, Moyes KW, Reinecke H, Van Biber B, Dardas T, Mignone JL, Izawa A, Hanna R, Viswanathan M, Gold JD, Kotlikoff MI, Sarvazyan N, Kay MW, Murry CE, Laflamme MA. Human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes electrically integrate and suppress arrhythmias in a guinea pig infarct model. Nature, 489(7415):322-5, 2012.

Posnack N, Swift L, Kay MW, Lee N, Sarvazyan N. Phthalate exposure changes the metabolic profile of cardiac muscle cells. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(9):1243-51, 2012.

Mercader M, Swift LM, Sood S, Asfour H, Kay MW, Sarvazyan N. Use of endogenous NADH fluorescence for real-time in situ visualization of epicardial radiofrequency ablation lesions and gaps. Am. J. Physiol., 302(10):H2131-8, 2012.

Biktashev VN, Biktasheva IV, Sarvazyan N. Evolution of spiral and scroll waves of excitation in a mathematical model of ischaemic border zone. PLOS ONE, 2011;6(9):e24388

Asfour H, Swift L, Sarvazyan N, Doroslovacki M, Kay M. Preprocessing of fluoresced transmembrane potential signals for cardiac optical mapping. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011:227-30

Biktasheva I, V.N. Biktashev and N. Sarvazyan. Dynamics of Scroll Waves of Excitation in a Mathematical Model of Ischaemic Border Zone. Computing in Cardiology, v 39, 2012

Posnack NG, Lee NH, Brown R, Sarvazyan N. Gene expression profiling of DEHP-treated cardiomyocytes reveals potential causes of phthalate arrhythmogenicity. Toxicology, 2011; 279(1-3):54-64.

Karabekian Z, Posnack NG, Sarvazyan N. Immunological Barriers to Stem-Cell Based Cardiac Repair. Stem Cell Reviews. 7(2):315-25, 2010.

Karabekian Z, Gillum N., E. Wong, Sarvazyan N. Effects of N-Cadherin overexpression on the adhesion properties of embryonic stem cells. Cell Adhesion and Migration, 2009, 3 (3).

Gillum N, Karabekian Z, Swift LM, Brown RP, Kay MW, Sarvazyan N. Clinically relevant concentrations of Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) uncouple cardiac syncytium. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2009, 236(1):25-38.

Gianni L, Herman EH, Lipshultz SE, Minotti G, Sarvazyan N, Sawyer DB.Anthracycline cardiotoxicity: from bench to bedside. J Clin Oncolology. 2008;26(22):3777-84.

Bakunts K, Gillum N, Karabekian Z, Sarvazyan N. Formation of cardiac fibers in Matrigel matrix. Biotechniques. 2008, 44(3):341-8.

Kay MW, Swift LM, Martell B, Arutunyan A, Sarvazyan N. Locations of ectopic beats coincide with spatial gradients of NADH in a regional model of low-flow reperfusion. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2008, 294(5):H2400-5

Swift L, Martell B, Khatri V, Arutunyan A, Sarvazyan N, Kay M. Controlled regional hypoperfusion in Langendorff heart preparations. Physiol Measurements, 2008;29(2):269-79.

Biktashev V, Arutunyan A, Sarvazyan N. Generation and escape of local waves from the boundary of uncoupled cardiac tissue. Biophys J. 2008, 94(9):3726-38

Gillum N, Sarvazyan N. Adhesion proteins, stem cells, and arrhythmogenesis. Cardiovasc Toxicology. 2008;8(1):1-13.

Swift L, McHowat J, Sarvazyan N. Anthracycline-induced phospholipase A2 inhibition. Cardiovasc Toxicology. 2007;7(2):86-91.

Minotti G, Sarvazyan N. The anthracyclines: When good things go bad. Cardiovasc Toxicology. 2007;7(2):53-5.

Agladze K, Kay MW, Krinsky V, Sarvazyan N. Interaction between spiral and paced waves in cardiac tissue. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007, 293(1):H503-13.

Pumir A, Arutunyan A, Krinsky V, Sarvazyan N. Genesis of ectopic waves: role of coupling, automaticity and heterogeneity. Biophysical Journal. 2005, 89(4):2332-49

Zakaryan V, Bliss R, Sarvazyan N. Non-trivial pursuit of physiology. Advances in Physiology Education. 2005, 29:11-4

McHowat J,Swift LM, Crown KN, Sarvazyan N. Changes in phospholipid content and myocardial calcium-independent phospholipase A2 activity during chronic anthracycline administration. J Pharmacol Exp Ther., 2004, 311:736-41

Arutunyan A, Swift L, Sarvazyan N. Multiple injury approach and its use for toxicity studies. Cardiovascular Toxicology, 2004, 4:1-10.

Arutunyan A, Pumir.A., Krinsky V.I., Swift L, Sarvazyan N. Behavior of ectopic surface: effects of beta-adrenergic stimulation and uncoupling. Am J Physiol. 2003, 285(6): H2531 - 2542.

Swift LM, A, McHowat J, Sarvazyan N. Inhibition of membrane-associated calcium-independent phospholipase A2 as a potential culprit of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Cancer Research. 2003, 63: 5992-8.

Arutunyan A, L. Swift, Sarvazyan N. Initiation and propagation of ectopic waves: insights from an in vitro model of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Am J Physiol. 2002, 283: H741-49.

J. McHowat. L. Swift, Sarvazyan N, Oxidant-induced inhibition of Myocardial Calcium –Independent PLA2. Cardiovascular Toxicology. 2001, 1(4): 309-316.

McHowat J, Swift LM, Arutunyan A, Sarvazyan N. Clinical concentrations of doxorubicin inhibit activity of myocardial membrane-associated, calcium-independent phospholipase A(2). Cancer Research. 2001, 61(10): 4024-9.

Arutunyan A, Webster DR, Swift LM, Sarvazyan N. Localized injury in cardiomyocyte network: a new experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion arrhythmias. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2001, 280(4):H1905-15.

Swift LM, Sarvazyan N. Localization of dichlorofluorescin in cardiac myocytes: implications for assessment of oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2000, 278(3):H982-90.

Sarvazyan N. A new approach to assess viability of adult cardiomyocytes: computer-assisted image analysis. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1998;30(2):297-301.


Sarvazyan N. An alternative preconditioning mechanism? J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1998 Dec;30(12):2785-6.

Hudson CA, Rojas JD, Sarvazyan N, Wesson DE, Martinez-Zaguilan R. Interactions between benzylamiloride and fura-2: studies in vitro and in cardiac myocytes. Arch Biochem Biophys.1998;356(1):25-34.

Sarvazyan N, Swift L, Martinez-Zaguilan R. Effects of oxidants on properties of fluorescent calcium indicators. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1998;350(1):132-6.

Sarvazyan N. Visualization of doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress in isolated cardiac myocytes. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 1996, 271(5 Pt 2):H2079-85

Sarvazyan NA, Askari A, Huang WH. Effects of doxorubicin on cardiomyocytes with reduced level of superoxide dismutase. Life Sci. 1995;57(10):1003-10.

Sarvazyan N, Askari A, Klevay LM, Askari A, Huang WH. Role of intracellular SOD in oxidant-induced injury to normal and copper-deficient cardiac myocytes. Am J Physiol.1995;268(3 Pt 2):H1115-21.

Lai CC, Huang WH, Askari A, Wang Y, Sarvazyan N, Klevay LM, Chiu TH. Differential regulation of superoxide dismutase in copper-deficient rat organs. Free Radic Biol Med., 1994;16(5):613-20.